ADLdapSearcher - An advanced AD Ldap searcher

  • This tool will select a computer, user, or group
  • In Ldap path it will also search the sub-paths. You can have many paths for multiple domains.
  • In Search list you can specify what you want to search for.
  • In Computer search for each computer, user, or group you will get additional options.
  • Search Mode will search in two modes. In one-by-one it will search for the first computer with the target name then stop while All will find all the computers with the target name. For example: if you are searching for the target name NJ, in one-by-one it will show you the first computer with NJ in it then continue with the next item in your search list, while All will show all computers with NJ in it before continuing to the next item in your search list.
  • Click search and it will start finding what you specified.
  • The results will show in the Results Tab

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