AdminWsus - A remote way to manage WSUS servers

This will simplify WSUS servers management.

  • Input a list of all WSUS servers.
  • You can specify the port where they are located.
  • Click Start WSW Server Status. That will give you the health status of each server.
  • You check the synchronization status and start or stop sync.
  • The Latest Patch option will show you the patch status on each server. For example, you can input a patch name, like Forefront Client Definitions as shown in the image, and it will show the status of the patch on each server.
  • Upstream Server. You can either Get or Set Upstream servers on your WSUS Downstream servers.
  • There is also the Server Cleanup option which removes unused or superseded patches and does a database compact and repair for database health.
  • Clean Duplicate Computers will go through all your WSUS servers and find the latest computer reported date for all computers, keep the latest and remove all other duplicates on all WSUS servers for those computers.
  • When you input a date into the Starting From Date box it will search all your WSUS servers for all computers that have not reported in since that date and add them to the list in the Computers tab.
  • At Add Computers By WSUS Status Failed it will search all your WSUS servers for all computers that have a Failed status and add them to the list in the Computers tab.
  • Delete Computers will remove all the computers in the Computers Tab on all your WSUS servers.

Computers Tab - Used for troubleshooting windows updates

  • You will input a list of computers. There are many options to check the status and fix your computers.
  • Ping will ping your computer.
  • FixWUC will attempt to fix your windows update client.
  • Reregister Dll's will re-register your dll's.
  • Only WMI Mode will attempt to fix your computer through WMI Mode.
  • Service Stop Start will restart the Windows Update Service.
  • GP Update/ Force will refresh the group policy.
  • WUAuct/ reset authorization/ detect now causes Window Update to sync with the WSUS server
  • Get DNS Problems will detect computers with DNS registration problems, like having two computers with the same DNS name.
  • Get IP From Windows DHCP Servers will retrieve your IP address from your DHCP servers.
  • Compare Computers to WSUS Data. To use this option you must first click the WSUSData button at the top. This will start a data collection process. You can then click and compare your computers with the data and it will show you any exceptions
  • Clear Computers will remove all computers from your list.

Results Tab

This tab will show all the results from your reports.
For example here is a report on the WSUS health status.

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